VSI Crusher Start-up Procedure
This paper describes the full VSI crusher start-up procedure, including the initial commissioning start-up. The start-up procedure should be used after a major repair such as shaft line assembly replacement or crushing chamber refurbishment has taken place.
Before Start-up
- Be completely familiar with the crusher, take the time to read the VSI crusher manual.
- Have all electrical connections checked, including the operation of the vibration control system.
- Check pulley alignment and drive belt tensions.
- Check rotor rotation – it must be counter-clockwise when viewed from above.
- On dual-motor drive machines it is essential that the direction of both motors is correct and the same. If no electronic test equipment is available to prove this, the wedge belts must be removed and the motors started in the normal way, the direction of each motor can then be checked. When all connections are complete ensure all PVC shrouds are refitted and any unused holes are blanked off to maintain the IP rating of the enclosure.
- Check that a safety interlock device is connected and functioning.
- Make sure all bolts in the rotor, crusher and main support frame are tightened to the correct torque.
- Loosen the transport bolts located through the rubber anti-vibration mounts by two full turns if forfeited.
- Ensure that the feed tube assembly is centralized.
- Check that all wear parts are correctly fit in the rotor.
- Remove all tools from on or within the crusher.
- Ensure that all guards, doors, hatches and safety pins are in place.
- Ensure grease hoses are full of grease before connection to the shaft line assembly. This includes the hoses between the shaft line assembly and the base as well as the extension hoses up to the door if fitted.
Initial Start-up
- Confirm ammeter is operating accurately.
- Run the crusher with the rotor fitted without load for 30 minutes. Apply a single application of grease to the grease point.
- After 30 minutes running, stop the machine, remove belt guards, and check shaft line assembly temperature. (Use a magnetic thermometer or if fitted, check thermal couples). The temperature should not exceed 70°C [160°F]. If the temperature exceeds this, continue to run machine with no load for a further 30 minutes and check again. If high temperatures continue contact your service center for advice. If temperature is within normal range replace guards.
- Inspect rotor and cascade assembly. Ensure that all rotor parts are in place. Ensure that the feed tube is still centralised in the feed eye ring.
- Test vibration control system.
Initial Feeding of Crusher
- The machine can now be run with a load. The feed material should be no larger than the maximum allowable feed size for the crusher model being commissioned.
- Feed a small-sized chip or all-in product, preferably 5mm [¼ in.] for the first half minute or so. A few cubic meters/yards of material is enough. This allows an even build-up of stone in the rotor and promotes good balance.
- If coarse feed must be used at the start, some vibration can be expected for several hours until fines are able to work their way through the voids in the initial rotor build-up and bring the density of each rotor build-up into equilibrium.
- When first feeding the rotor there will usually be an ‘out of balance’ stage for about 30-60 seconds. Do not stop the feed to the rotor at this point but feed it as much as possible until the vibration settles down. In normal operation, there is intermittent detectable vibration about 30% of the time. This can be felt by touching the machine and is most noticeable with the largest feed sizes. This is due to stone lodging by one rotor tip, causing a build-up and then being worn away. The condition is normal and no cause for concern provided the machine returns to normal running after a few seconds
After 10 Minutes
- Align the spreader plate under conveyor discharge so feed falls in an even curtain around the spreader. The feed should fall squarely through the control plate feed opening (i.e. not at an angle). This stabilizes the rotor feed. Watch for involuntary cascading through the material being directed toward the cascade ports in the feed hopper. Adjust the cascade port shields if necessary.
- Check motor power draw. If the motor is overloaded, reduce feed volume or adjust cascade control until load is corrected. If dual drive motors are running at different amps see belt tensioning.
After 30 Minutes
- Stop the machine and check build-up in rotor. For ideal build-up see rotor tuning.
- Check crushing chamber build-up.
- Make sure the feed tube is in correct position in rotor, i.e. central in rotor feed hole and extending into rotor.
- Check that rotor tip assemblies are intact and tight.
- Check feed eye ring has not turned or lifted.
- Check belt tensions.
After 4 Hours
- Check build-up in rotor, crushing chamber and base.
- Check bearing temperatures.
- Check belt tensions.
- Grease at the end of the shift, and perform daily inspections as listed.
- Once the machine has settled down to normal running, adjustment of the cascade can be undertaken.