VSI Crusher Rotor Installation
The life of the shaft line assembly is greatly reduced when the VSI crusher rotor is running with excessive vibration for long periods. When this vibration is extreme, there is potential for catastrophic failure, i.e. shaft breakage.
One factor which has a direct influence on the smooth running of the crusher is the fit between the shaft line assembly and the rotor. The correct procedure for securing a rotor to a shaft line assembly is as follows:
Thoroughly clean the shaft, key, taper lock, and rotor boss. Coat these surfaces with light oil or dewatering fluid and wipe them down prior to assembly. Ensure the key screw is not proud of the outer face of the key.
Place a small wedge or screwdriver in the split on the TOP of the taper lock to expand it slightly. Place the taper lock, large end downward, on the shaft so that it sits hard down on the top seal plate. Remove the wedge or screwdriver and remove any burrs on the taper lock left behind. Do not expand the taper lock any more than necessary to achieve a snug sliding fit onto the shaft. Excessive expansion of the taper lock can break it.
If the rotor is fitted and has just been repaired and/or reconditioned around the taper area (i.e. has undergone extensive welding that may cause distortion), it is recommended that the fit between rotor and taper lock be checked prior to the final fitting.
To do this, blue the bore of the rotor boss and lower onto the taper lock on the shaft. (Use the rotor lifting plate or, for the 300mm rotor, the lifting sling supplied with the crusher). Ensure the taper is properly seated under the weight of the rotor and then remove it. You should see a blue mark on the taper lock indicating contact with the rotor boss. This mark should cover at least 80% of the circumference and 80% of the length of the taper. Any less contact than this will require the replacement of the rotor boss. If this is not practical (e.g. the boss is welded in), consult Qiming Casting for further advice.
Fit the rotor lifting plate to the rotor boss and lower the rotor onto the taper lock. Before removing the lifting plate, line up two spare holes in the lifting plate with any holes in the taper lock. Remove the lifting plate bolts evenly, allowing the rotor to slide onto the taper lock under its own weight. With the rotor firm on the taper lock, there must be at least 2mm between the top of the taper lock and the top of the rotor boss.
The rotor must be lowered square to the shaft onto the taper lock. Failure to do so may result in poor mating of the tapered surfaces and hence vibration problems. Check the 2mm difference in height between the rotor boss and taper lock to ensure that the rotor has seated on the taper lock squarely.
Insert the bolts through the top plate into the taper lock and tighten them evenly. This pulls the taper lock up tight on the shaft and rotor boss.
For the larger rotors, fit the additional 8 outer bolts through the top plate into the rotor boss and tighten. This fills the holes that are necessary for removal and provides a positive drive between the taper lock and rotor boss in addition to the friction fit of the taper.
Stand on top of the rotor (if possible) and try to rock it from side to side. If there is excessive movement or if you feel the rotor “settle” at all, recheck the torque on all bolts.
Note that there will be a small movement of the shaft within the bearings. This is normal. This check simply confirms that the rotor is properly seated on the taper lock.
The distributor plate must now be fitted to protect the taper assembly. Note that the centre bolt of the distributor plate cannot be relied upon alone to secure the rotor to the shaft.
VSI Crusher Rotor Installation Service
Qiming Casting is a China VSI crusher wear parts manufacturer, we supply kinds of wear parts for all popular brands of VSI crushers. If you need the installation of any VSI crusher parts, please contact us!